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©1998 The Tank

Eastern Kentucky University


No Limit Concert Dates

Nov. 9 - Stockholm, Sweden
Nov.10 - Oslo, Norway
Nov.11 - Copenhagen, Denmark
Nov.13 - Hamburg, Germany
Nov.14 - Berlin, Germany
Nov.15 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Nov.16 - Koin, Germany
Nov.17 - Ludwigshafeu, Germany
Nov.18 - Stuttgart, Germany
Nov.19 - Munchan, Germany
Nov.20 - Vienna, Austria
Nov.22 - Paris, France
Nov.23 - Brussels, Belgium
Nov.24 - London, England
Nov.26 - Lyon, France
Nov.27 - Milan, Italy
Nov.28 - Laax, Switzerland
Dec.1  - Perth, Australia
Dec.3  - Melbourne, Australia
Dec.5  - Brisbane, Australia
Dec.6  - Sydney, Australia
Dec.7  - Sydney, Australia
Dec.9  - Auckland, New Zealand
Dec.11 - Osaka, Japan
Dec.12 - Osaka, Japan
Dec.13 - Yokohama, Japan
Dec.14 - Yokohama, Japan

©Copyrighted by Xaos for The Tank, 1998
All Rights Reserved